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Sunday, March 28, 2010

International Spy Museum

Too bad I no longer live in the Washington, DC area as I would very much like to visit the International Spy Museum at 800 F Street, NW.  They feature "wristwatch cameras, poison gas guns, a World War II Enigma cipher machine and other coding machines and disguises. 'Weapons of Mass Disruption.' An examination of the history of and pressing issues pertaining to cyber security." They also have a special program called "Operation Spy"  which is a live action spy adventure.

In their main exhibit you can examine over 200 spy gadgets, weapons, bugs, cameras, vehicles, and technologies. Learn about microdots and invisible ink.  I really look forward to my next visit to the capitol so I can get to see all this.  If you get to the museum before I do please get back to me and tell me all about it. (Just click on the comments below.)

In the meantime we can get back to my favorite spy story--the true story of Reilly Ace of Spies.  Here is  at Episode 1  " An Affair with a Married Woman" --  Part 5/8.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I do.  Please leave me your comments and questions.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Thank Goodness for Nanny Cams

Just this week a Jacksonville, Florida baby sitter was thrown in jail after she was caught on a nanny cam hitting, kicking and throwing things at an 11 month old child. Without the nanny cam the parents would not have known what was happening to their baby while he was in the care of the baby sitter. Infants can't tell what happened when their parents are not at home and small children may be too afraid to report abuse. It is sad to say, but without a nanny camera who can tell how their children are being treated in their absence. More mothers are in the work force than ever before and more and more children are being taken care of by others. Child safety is the most important thing that a parent has to oversee. If you have a nanny then you do need a nanny cam --- for the sake of the children. To Be Safe And Sound offers a fine selection of nanny cams and spy cameras. And between you and me I hope that the nanny in Jacksonville gets a long jail sentence and never again get a job anywhere near children.

Now here is the next episode of my favorite spy story as I promised on my last post.

Reilly, Ace of Spies - Episode 1 - An Affair with a Married Woman - Part 4

British Trash Reveals Spies

British Group Fears Trash Bin Spies

A new report in the UK warns that more than 2.6 million microchips have been placed in garbage bins to monitor what and how much people are throwing away in an effort to help reduce household waste. Isn't this going a bit too far? Britain already has loads of CCTV cameras planted around to help the police. What is next? Think about it? What has happened to the noble profession of spying? Would any of my favorite covert gents want to be involved in the contents of dust bins? Never! Unless they thought said garbage cans contained high security secrets.

You can get all your spy gear at To Be Safe And Sound.

Reilly, Ace of Spies certainly had better things to do with his time. Here we have Episode 1 part 3. Earthquake causes the railway line to stop service. Reilly needs to get away.

Leave me a comment and let me know how you like my pal, Reilly.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Spy Scandal In Dubai

Everyone loves a good spy story and the assassination of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh is as good as it gets. No fiction writer could have done it better or made it sound more unbelievable. Eleven operatives to kill just one man? James Bond would have done it all by his lonesome with the assistance of one or two of his special spy gear gadgets.

So they just accuse the Israelis as usual. Would the Mossad do such sloppy work? No way!

And those forged passports! Why is it such a big deal? One would think that no spy agency in the world ever even considered using them. Which agency does not use fake passports? They would probably go out of business without them.

Why has this story about the killing of a really big bad guy been such a big deal? Because it is an intriguing spy story and makes great copy.

You can make up your own spy story with lots spy gadgets such as spy cameras, listening devices and tracking systems.

As I had promised earlier, here is Part 2 of Episode 1 --Reilly Ace of Spies --"An Affair With a Married Woman". Next part will be included in my next blog post. I hope you enjoy spy stories as much as I do. Please leave me your comments, questions, etc. What is your favorite spy story?