ToBeSafeAndSound knows that you love your pets and want to take the very best care of them. Are you prepared for emegencies? Do you have the right first aid items to take care of your pet unitl you can get to vet? With our Deluxe Veterinarian Recommended First Aid Kit you will have everthing you need to handle an emergency for your small mammal, whether it be domestic or exotic, until he can be seen by the vet.
This first aid kit is great for travel and home. It is safe to use on:cats, dogs, ferrets, wallabies and other marsupials, rodents, pocket pets, or any other small mammal. (This kit is formammals only and is NOTdesigned for use onreptiles or birds.)
1 comment:
A good post on Official Blog of ToBeSafeAndSound.com
I did come across a websitehttp://www.gotoaid.com/. It’s has all information on first aid emergencies. It has information on Human emergencies and even for pets like cat or dog. Hope it help you guys too.
Signature: Online First Aid Kit
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