Security recording is now made easy and economical with our line of Secure Shot self-contained completely covert digital video recorder/cameras. They can record motion activated real time video or high resolution still shots on a tiny SC card that is secreted in a hidden compartment. For professional security applications all recordings are time/date stamped. Two (2) 1 GB SD cards are included with every system.
Our Secure Shot dually total Covert iPod Deckconsists of a high quality Ihome clock radio for iPod® and camera that automatically and instantly switches from a Sony HAD Hi-Res color camera to a Sony Ex-View super low light B&W camera (.0001.Lux) when light levels drop below .5 lux. This means that you will have great color videos by day and great low light videos at night. It all come packaged in the . Secure Shot Total Covert line of Digital Video Recorders. It is totally covert and has no tell tale cards, lights, extra slots, jacks or any clue that could give away its purpose.
The clock itself wakes you in the morning and lulls you to sleep at night with either music on your iPod or AM/FM radio while your iPod is being charged by the built-in dock connector.
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