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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Is Your Partner Faithful?

Are you concerned about whether or not your partner, spouse or mate is faithful? Now you can find out for sure by using CheckMate test kit. You can test for semen on clothing, furniture and linens. The test only takes 5 minutes. It works on any material and any color without damaging or staining the fabric. All directions are included and the manufacturer offers a 100% guarantee.

The test can be used for men or for women. It can also be used to tell if your teenager is sexually active. Click here for details.

Friday, January 23, 2009

SecureShot DUALLY Total Covert IPPod deckod Dock

Security recording is now made easy and economical with our line of Secure Shot self-contained completely covert digital video recorder/cameras. They can record motion activated real time video or high resolution still shots on a tiny SC card that is secreted in a hidden compartment. For professional security applications all recordings are time/date stamped. Two (2) 1 GB SD cards are included with every system.

Our Secure Shot dually total Covert iPod Deckconsists of a high quality Ihome clock radio for iPod® and camera that automatically and instantly switches from a Sony HAD Hi-Res color camera to a Sony Ex-View super low light B&W camera (.0001.Lux) when light levels drop below .5 lux. This means that you will have great color videos by day and great low light videos at night. It all come packaged in the . Secure Shot Total Covert line of Digital Video Recorders. It is totally covert and has no tell tale cards, lights, extra slots, jacks or any clue that could give away its purpose.

The clock itself wakes you in the morning and lulls you to sleep at night with either music on your iPod or AM/FM radio while your iPod is being charged by the built-in dock connector.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Safety Products to Keep Your Children Safe

Children are our most precious possessions and sometimes it's even a little scary to realize that we are solely responsible for this perfect little person. We need to see that they are safe and sound and protected from dangers---big and small. It is good to know that we have some help keeping out children safe with various safety products.

We all want to see that our children are safe but we cannot always be with them 24/7. Sometimes we are working in other parts of the house while baby sleeps in the nursery.

A baby monitor lets us watch and hear the little one on a small receiver that we can carry around the house and garden. We can set up a small hidden nanny cam to watch how a baby sitter or nanny takes care of the children while we are at work.

Have you have any idea how fast a toddler can move? Especially if he/she is in a crowded mall, shop or park. No need to panic when the child wanders away if he/she is wearing a Child Guard.

Every child likes to have a night light in his/her room. A cool burning night light will keep their little fingers safe.

To Be Safe And Sound offers safety and security products for the home, office and for all members of the family.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Closet Safe Light

We are delighted to offer you our very latest in our collection of diversion safes—our Closet Safe Light. This is a real working light that will let you see inside your dark closets and it also opens to reveal a hidden safe — 2 great products in one! This is one of the last places where a burglar will look. The bottom and top of the safe is locked together by a unique twist lock. Dimensions of the closet light are 8 “x 3” inches. The safe measurements (inside) are 7 5/8” x 1 ½ “. The safe has 2 shelves so you can keep your valuables in order. The closet light runs on three (3) AA batteries that are NOT included. Light it and hide it!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Key Chain Alarms

Just this morning a warning was sent out over news broadcasts that someone pretending to be a policeman pulled a woman over and began to talk dirty and attempted to attack her. Fortunately the clever lady had an alarm on her key chain and pushed the emergency button. Her attacker fled at the first sound of the alarm. This just goes to show you how important a little device like a keychain alarm can be. Everyone should have a personal alarm!

Warning--if you are pulled over do ask to see a badge and ID. Also, call 911 if you can and ask if any policemen are in the area. Just because someone is wearing a uniform does not mean that he is the real thing.